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My Story

  In 2015, I found out that I had Crohn's disease. The diagnosis turned my world upside down—I lost weight, my self-confidence, and my will to enjoy life. I suffered with severe anxiety and depression...and at times, suicidal ideology. Thinking about how i was going to live with this for the rest of my life was daunting of every second of my life. I thought there was no way out. Nothing was truly making me happy. Even being with the love of my life. I destroyed that relationship in conscious and unconscious ways possible. She left me. I was at this rock bottom i had never experienced in my life. 


But then something happened: in 2018, while traveling across Europe and the US, I had a Spiritual Remembrance that my dreams in my sleep came true in this reality. Deja Vu.

Then another Spiritual Remembrance happened in Alabama where I channeled a ball of energy to help a young lady heal herself from a drug overdose. My whole world began to change. I started questioning so many things. I even dropped my western medicine and began my own healing journey through holistic practices.  


 I learned how to use my life experiences to help others overcome challenges in their lives. My studies led me to yoga, meditation, Reiki Energy and various other mindfulness practices—all of which I used to help myself move past roadblocks in my own life.


     Applying what I learned to myself as well as beginning to help others along the way, I realized that I had found purpose in my struggles. This motivated me to pursue my passion full time! To date, this has resulted in over 100 private clients who have used my services regularly for over three years. Plus, over thousands of people across the world with my online and in person Energy events. 


I am always continue to better myself with having other life coaches keeping me on top of my game and learning from other resources in health, wellness, and consciousness.  


 If you have any questions about my methods or would like to schedule a consultation with me please get in touch today!


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