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What Is Reiki Energy? How Can It Help You?

Reiki energy is defined as Universal Lifeforce energy. It comes from Japan by a guy named Mako Usui. He was the guy that brought it to other places around the world because it was kept in Japan as a secret for way too long, but if you really think about it, this is what Jesus was doing in his healings of people in the most miraculous of ways. He was channeling energy to heal people. Other ascended masters also did the same thing in miraculous healings like Yogananda, Krishna,

Everything is energy. Science proves that with electro magnetism. We are energetic beings having a human experience. Science also proves that we can conduct electricity/energy with thoughts, feelings, emotions and so forth.

A reiki master can also open up there chakras (energy centers) and bring in energy from father sky and mother gaia. This is done through grounding, mediating, visualization, and a few other techniques. A master /practitioner will allow divine flow of healing, love, peace and whatever other intentions that want to be brought forth for a session.

It’s a two way street, a patient helps the practitioner by saying everything that is going on, of what they need help with. The more clarity the better and the reiki will do the rest. It can be “blind faith” to some. “Trust me, I questioned it so much lol while being on the journey, now I do it for a living!

Reiki has been scientifically proven to effect the energetic currents in the human body from psychical touch. In simple terms; think about when you love someone (a significant other or a pet or a sports moment) your whole bio chemistry changes in an instant! That’s the effect reiki can have IF one is open to receiving and believing in it. “As much faith as the weight of a mustard seed, as all you need” paraphrasing a Jesus quote.

Reiki can aid, bring relief, and even heal

(yes I personally have seen it heal people from sicknesses and diseases in seconds, minuets and even days)

Also the following;

  1. Brings better sleep

  2. Alleviates pain

  3. Reduces anxiety and depression

  4. Brings peace and relaxation

  5. Releases deep traumas

  6. energetic blockages

  7. Brings in more abundance

  8. Reduces brain fog

  9. Quantum leaping (letting go of the old

  10. And the list can go on and on

One thing I must add. When you are looking for a reiki master, make sure that that person feels good and knows what they’re talking about. The words, the energy, the sound, their knowledge and background will greatly influence your decision. Also reviews help a lot too!!!

Bless you for taking the time to read this.

Namaste 🙌🏼🩵

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