Stress…this comes in all sorts of fashions. Work, career, kids, marriage, the past traumas and dreams, the decision making, the future, and the outside world and its forms of life. THAT IS A LOT OF THINGS HAPPENING AT ONCE. One mind blowing concept to add to this, the web of life is all connected. Sometimes the thoughts that come into your mind, are not even yours. Ever notice that? Random thoughts you probably would never think about (well save this topic for another time)
Anyways stress/anxiety raises cortisol levels in your body. The mind then starts to worry and goes down a rabbit hole of worst case scenarios. We have all been there and in most cases, we still are. Ever wonder why this is the case? Why do we do this to our selves? It is hard to reprogram this. Especially when you live in environments (people places things) that haven’t changed. Like the news, perfect example. All it mostly ever does is perpetuate fear, anxiety, division, and much more low vibes.
How does one heal from this? How can it get better? What can we do?
One of the first steps is to become aware of the moment in time. Presence.
Then ask, one at a time;
What is happening? What do you feel? Where do you feel it? Why is it happening? Tune in and see what answers are coming up. Write them down. This allows space to be created and tension to relax. You got out of the space of anxiety and went to a higher state of consciousness of being the question.
This chat explains the ladder of vibrations. There is always a choice that can be made.
More time is created to be in the moment
I like to add to that list; Authenticity. In my reality, the highest vibrational frequency (either tied or above love) when one can truly be themselves all the time, no matter what, you’re in a high state of consciousness and there isn’t much that will bring you down.
Ways To Manage Stress/Anxiety After Awareness:
Breathe. As simple as this is, it has got to be done more than one time. Try 10 times. Or 33. Or even 89! This drops us into the body and out of the mind. This allows, our blood pressure, our heart rate our energy to slow down into total presence. Breathwork is one of the best things in the whole world to find total presence. It’s also free!!! You can do it anytime you wish!!!
Another modality, which is also free, is meditation. This can be hard for some or many, but practice makes things better. The more we learn to drop the inner awareness from the mind and into the body or heart center the more we let go of control into thinking and worrying. Don’t get too, caught up in your thoughts allow them to pass like clouds in the sky or bubbles in a river.
Any type of chores like the dishes or laundry or physical movement, exercise, getting outside, yoga, listening to music etc. Your body is the key to relieving the stress, anxiety, and much more to heal.
Lately, a lot of those modalities or things to do, will also help you heal your past.
Please stay true to yourself, be an unconditional love, and never allow someone else to dim your light.